Metropolitan Health Providers Billings Service (MHPBS) provides billing services for Anita and can be reached at (503) 249-0181 for changes to your insurance, address, phone number and/or questions regarding billing related issues.
MHPBS is provided as a courtesy. The Patient is solely responsible for managing their insurance. MHPBS is only there to assist with billing questions. It is very important to keep your billing information up to date with both Anita and MHPBS (i.e.: current address, phone number and insurance data).
Insurance co-pays are due at time of your appointment. Visa and MasterCard are accepted. Insurance cannot be billed for missed appointments or late cancels.
Billing statements are only sent out when there is a balance owed on your account. You may request a statement directly through MHPBS at anytime.
There is a $10.00/month rebilling fee for outstanding balances owed by the Patient. For outstanding balances not addressed in a timely manner and after multiple attempts to inform you have failed, your account will be sent to collections. All further action regarding this issue will need to be addressed directly with the collection agency.
Insurance may not cover all types of treatment and it is the Patient's responsibility to verify benefits (i.e.: some insurance require pre-authorization).
FOR EMERGENCIES: In the event of an emergency, Anita can be reached directly at (503) 330-5586. In the event that Anita is unable to answer, please call 911. Non-emergency messages should be left on Anita's office voicemail.
CANCELLATION POLICY: It is required that a Patient give at least 24-hours notice to Anita if cancelling their appointment. There is a $100.00 fee for missed appointments and cancellation with less then 24-hours notice. Appointments are set aside specifically for each Patient and giving less than the required notice does not allow anyone else to utilize that time slot. Insurance cannot be billed for missed appointments, therefore the Patient will be billed directly.
During inclement weather, Anita will leave an outgoing message on her voicemail indicating any office closures. Anita's cancellation policy is flexible during inclement weather.
MEDICATION: Medication refills can take up to 5 days. Stimulant medications for ADHD need a written prescription each month. Please plan accordingly. Medication refill requests are honored for Current Patients only. Patients who are considered a "Current Patient" are those who are seen at least every six months.
PRIVACY: Teenagers, 14 years and older, have a legal right to confidentiality.
INSURANCE: Insurance does not pay for telephone appointments, telephone consultations or home visits.
Therapy Gone to the Dogs
5200 SW Macadam Ave, Suite 312,
Portland, OR 97239.
ph: 503 764-9508
fax: 503 764-9558